The Step 1 USMLE is the first of several tests required in order to pursue continued medical training. This score is the most important piece of any medical residency application.
Preparing for such a comprehensive test is an extremely daunting task, and while there are numerous resources available to help study for the USMLE, one resource that cannot be underestimated is one on one tutoring.
Why Individual Tutoring May Be for You:
The most important facet of individual tutoring is our ability to tailor each study session specific to you. Every student is unique, with different strengths and weaknesses. Study groups, online tests, and many other resources cannot cater to one individual’s needs, leading to marked deficiencies in mastering weaker subjects. This is a huge detriment when taking such a comprehensive test.
Not only are sessions customized for each student, the timing is flexible, ensuring that the time you have is maximized. Whether you need shorter, more frequent sessions, or longer more intense sessions, we cater to your needs.
Finally, your tutor is your coach. We adjust your tutoring in real time. Being face to face means you can ask questions and interact with your tutor, sharing ideas while they provide you immediate feedback.
The Benefits of Individual Tutoring:
Most study guides are designed as one size fits all; which only covers most students. An individual tutor assesses your progress, determining your strengths and weaknesses while adjusting each session to your specific needs. Adjusting the study tools, combined with individualized calendars, ensure you get through the material at an effective and efficient pace.
We also analyze how you answer each question. Perhaps you understand the concept but answer incorrectly because of how the question is worded. Or maybe you overthink each question, second guessing your answers only to find out your instinct was right the first time. Learning how to analyze questions and how to pace your way through the test, will help ensure your success, not just for the USMLE but test taking and studying in general.
Before your first study session, we will review your NBMEs, USMLE question banks, and coursework history to determine your best approach. We monitor your progress, adjust your pace, and ensure you receive enough repetitions to master any materials you struggle with.
Contact us today for more information!