Our passion is helping students. We are confident that our ability to develop focused tutoring plans combined with successful coaching techniques can help you. Contact us today!
Our passion is helping students. We are confident that our ability to develop focused tutoring plans combined with successful coaching techniques can help you. Contact us today!
My daughter failed STEP 1 more than once, although she is a good student and had studied very hard and used various test preps, such as UWorld and USMLE practice exams. We were panicked.
Luckily, we found Dr. Sujata. With Dr. Sujata’s tutoring and guidance, my daughter passed STEP 1. Then, with Dr. Sujata’s tutoring and guidance, my daughter passed STEP 2 on first attempt.
Sujata is amazing, absolutely outstanding.
First, Dr. Sujata is methodical. She thoroughly reviewed my daughter’s STEP 1 score and created a detailed plan for what subjects to tackle first and when. Once she started tutoring my daughter, Dr. Sujata then adjusted the plan to focus on specific areas within each subject.
Second, Dr. Sujata is highly knowledgeable in all the USMLE subjects and knows what is important for the tests.
Third, Dr. Sujata is an outstanding tutor. She really knows how to teach and explain clearly.
Fourth, Dr. Sujata has her own additional valuable teaching material that is very helpful.
Fifth, Dr. Sujata is an excellent coach, providing psychological support, nurturing, and encouragement, which also played a crucial role.
Sixth, Dr. Sujata is very kind and very pleasant.
Seventh, Dr. Sujata is incredibly honest. She is generous and gracious with her tutoring time. She never tried to suggest additional or unnecessary lessons. Instead, she paced and planned for optimal benefit to my daughter.
In summary, Dr. Sujata is a truly exceptional USMLE tutor, coach, guide, and human being. We are immensely grateful to Dr. Sujata.
JJ, California